Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Hop-on Hop-off
昨天周日終於等到好天氣,爸爸也在家,沒有出國或是需要到公司加班畫圖,立刻見機行事,趕緊丟碗盤進洗碗機,丟衣服進洗衣機,設定好預約自動洗程後,馬上開車出門。 這次要帶三隻小雞去美術館,決定不要再傻傻的背一坨小肥肉在胸前逛大街,推了好久沒有登場的戰車代步,這台Phil &...
Hi! I'm Anne Cheng, and my husband Shuen-long Lin, we love arts, travel, and enjoy parenting with our 3 little boy Daniel, Jamie, and Owen. Shuen-long is an artist, most of his artworks are in Taiwan and Japan. We would like to share some stories about our everyday living.