睡前葡式蛋撻 Before Bedtime Portuguese Tarts
自從一個月前家裡的電器陸續故障,眼鏡也折斷送修,還有忙著建立網路商店製作果醬,部落格就一直停擺到現在,無法靜下心好好的寫一篇文章。 答應了要分享一篇關於前些日子做的葡式蛋撻,食譜很簡單,出自於Jamie Oliver's 30 minutes...
Hi! I'm Anne Cheng, and my husband Shuen-long Lin, we love arts, travel, and enjoy parenting with our 3 little boy Daniel, Jamie, and Owen. Shuen-long is an artist, most of his artworks are in Taiwan and Japan. We would like to share some stories about our everyday living.